Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am not a blogger...

    Some people are bloggers at heart, some people aren't, I am pretty sure I fall in the latter category. Although, I do love to write, and I do love sharing my photography with the world, and so I decided it was time to try out a blog. I am hoping to use this as a way to keep my clients and fans updated more frequently with new photos and a little background to each session I do and maybe even a bit of my personal life so they can get to know me better. I do however have two jobs, and four children, so we will see how well I can keep up! Bear with me guys! I guess as my first post I would like to share something of actual content and not just my rambling.

    I recently ran a contest on my facebook page, you can find the page here. The contest was for a family or individual in need who might not be able to afford the priceless memories garnered by portraits. I asked people to nominate someone they felt was particularly deserving, and got many wonderful nominations. It was a tough decision and I actually ended up extending the contest and extra week because I was having a hard time choosing a winner, but in the end one person nominated stood out. Her name is Brooke Lowe. Brookes cousin Amy nominated her.

       At the beginning of last year Brooke was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A few weeks later they did surgery to remove the tumor and at the time they were not sure whether it was cancerous or not, it was going to be sent off for testing. During the summer she spent six straight weeks at the cancer center in Houston, Texas for radiation. She is doing very well now but still goes to Texas about every three months for checkups just to make sure that the tumor hasn't came back. During all of this the family has wracked up several medical bills along with the expenses of traveling back and forth to Houston. She has a website that you can look at and it will give you a more detailed description of what happened. You  can view her website here.

     Brooke got engaged a couple of months ago and her cousin Amy thought it would be wonderful for her to win the contest and be able to have the engagement portraits she has been wanting. This story touched me personally because I lost my mother to cancer and I know so many people who have lost family members and friends as well. It's a scary thing to be faced with, even if it is just the possiblity. Please take the time to check out Brookes page and maybe say a little prayer for her.

    We are going to wait for warmer weather to do her engagement session but when we do I will post some photos along with the link to her page again for everyone. Thanks so much for reading my very FIRST blog post!!!


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