Thursday, April 22, 2010

Recent happenings

Wow~! It's been a busy couple of months! I have not really had time to update my blog lately and for that I apologize! I have had so many adventures in photography lately I do not even know where to start. I have waded through 4 ft snow in gum boots, got waist deep in ice cold water only to find my client and I were stuck there because of a large snake on the shore...( we both HATED snakes!), and have met some of the most beautiful babies, children, expecting mothers, and brides you could ever hope to find!
   On a personal note I have also been juggling the schedules of myself along with 4 of my own children, 12 soon to be brides, and countless families needing portraits who are all huge priorities in my life right now. I could not be more wore out, nor more happy at the same time!

  Here are a few from some of my most recent shoots, enjoy!!!


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